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Visit the Cave

Hey! We've opened a site in Wimbledon. It's a small but mighty little cheese and wine bar! Come in for a glass of some of the best wine you've ever tasted. Pick up some cheese to take away or a platter of lovely cheese to taste. We also do some lovely beer and cider and soft drinks/ non alcoholic wine if wine isn't your thing.

If you would like to make a booking please call 07792447451 or send a message if this is easier. You can also email wimbledoncheese@gmail.com with your telephone number, number of people and time of booking. If you don't let us know the length of your booking, we will allocate a slot for 1h 30mins. If you require longer please just ask :)

New Opening Times:

Monday - 6pm-9:30pm

Tue-Wed - 4pm-10pm

Thursday 4pm-11pm

Fri - Sat 1pm-11pm

Sunday - 4pm-10pm

Rent out the venue- email to enquire.

Click to email in and book a table

Menu at the Cave

At 86 Quicks Road, in Wimbledon, you can also buy cheese as a cheesemonger, or sit in and have a curated platter of cheese and delicious wine, non alcoholic drinks, cocktails, beer and cider.

See the Menu

Delivery is £5 for England and Wales and £10 for Scotland. Local Pick Up is FOC.