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Visit the Cave

Hey! We've opened a site in Wimbledon. It's a small but mighty little cheese and wine bar! Come in for a glass of some of the best wine you've ever tasted. Pick up some cheese to take away or a platter of lovely cheese to taste. We also do some lovely beer and cider and soft drinks/ non alcoholic wine if wine isn't your thing.

If you would like to make a booking please call 07792447451 or send a message if this is easier. You can also email wimbledoncheese@gmail.com with your telephone number, number of people and time of booking.

New Opening Times:

Tue-Wed - 4pm-10pm

Thursday 4pm-11pm

Fri - Sat 1pm-11pm

Sunday - 4pm-10pm

Monday- Closed

Rent out the venue- email to enquire.

Click to email in and book a table

Menu at the Cave

At 86 Quicks Road, in Wimbledon, you can also buy cheese as a cheesemonger, or sit in and have a curated platter of cheese and delicious wine, non alcoholic drinks, cocktails, beer and cider.

See the Menu

Order for deliveries before Christmas now cannnot be guaranteed and are subject to substitutions. Come to 86 quicks road to get your christmas cheese.

Open 1pm-9pm Tuesday-Wednesday

1pm-11pm Thursday-Saturday

1pm-7pm Sunday

Monday Closed

Delivery is £5 for England and Wales and £10 for Scotland.